Personnel, Executive and Private Transportation Services

Our vehicles meet all the requirements to operate according to the law; all units have GPS, insurance, and they´re all recent models. Our drivers undergo an initial test process to make sure they´re highly qualified.


Declara offers quality and quickness to complete your journey in the most efficient way possible, without compromising your security. We get to the core of the neighborhoods to get the user closer to his destination.


Our vehicles have an integrated system that allows us to monitor and avoid excesive speed.


All our units have a GPS system so we can keep track of them at any time.


Each end every one of our vehicles include seatbelts and comply with the required safety measures.

Private/Executive Service

Starting business in México is a viable option, either for small companies or big corporations.


We provide transportation for executives and CEOs of both big and small enterprises set up in Tijuana and surrounding areas.

Get in contact with us today to receive an estimate of the price, and start enjoying the benefits of our transportation service for companies and factories..

Tours Tijuana Declara

Contamos con transporte para grupos pequeños y grandes. Arma tu propio Tour y nosotros te llevamos.

Contamos con nuestro servicio privado a Valle de Guadalupe, Ensenada, conciertos y más. Cotiza tu viaje (664) 971-05-87

Special Services

As a company that offers transportation for personnel, we guarantee security and punctuality, leaving each and every employee as close to home as posible in a reasonable time span.

In Declara we care about helping the working staff of Tijuana´s enterprises to rise their competence level.

That´s why we offer our services to take the employees to training courses, workshops and conventions.


Envíanos un correo electrónico para más información sobre nuestros servicios de transporte de personal, ejecutivo y privado y recibe una cotización sin compromiso.

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